Events & Activities

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Help Our Dress Bloom—Ward 4, Ongoing

Celebrate Women’s History Month with the Shepherd Park (Juanita E. Thornton) Library by helping our dress bloom! Do you have a heroine? Is there a woman you would like to celebrate? Visit the library to add a name or photo to our dress. By the end of the month, it will be filled with messages and memories that honor the women in our lives.

Date March 14, 2022 - March 31, 2022Time All Day EventVenue at Shepherd Park (Juanita E. Thornton) Neighborhood LibraryLocation in 7420 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20012, United States, Venue Google Map Link + Google MapVenue Phone 202-541-6100Venue Website View Venue WebsiteCategory | DC Library

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