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Become a Member of the LRCA

The LRCA relies on the efforts of volunteers. Become an active member by making a membership donation and joining a committee to help support the operation of the LRCA. Your membership along with monetary donations from other sources support scholarships for neighborhood students and neighborhood events.

Membership in the LRCA is open to anyone over 18 years of age, residing within the boundaries of the LRCA (see map on this page for an explanation of the LRCA’s presiding territory).

Corporate memberships are also available and is open to any active business, religious entity, non-profit, or other organization within the boundaries of the LRCA.

All memberships provide:

  • access to the LRCA’s secure online membership portal;
  • members will gain the eligibility to vote in organization elections;
  • members will have the ability to make a difference in the community by being presented with opportunities to serve on one or more of the following LRCA committees: Youth Development/Recreation, Education, Environmental, City Services/Public Safety, Membership, Senior, Newsletter,  Communication, Scholarship, and the LRCA Development Task Force;
  • members may qualify for special educational scholarships and other such awards;
  • …and more!
LRCA Territory Map

Need Help Paying Online?

Watch the Video Below.

Join the LRCA Today!

Become a member of the LRCA by selecting a membership opportunity below. Major credit cards are accepted.

Current LRCA members will be sent a membership renewal link near the end of their membership cycle.





This membership is for single member households -or- may be used by registered Household members who wish to extend their voting opportunities to additional members in their family.

Access to the LRCA’s secure online membership portal

Individual members will gain ONE vote in LRCA elections

Ability to participate in any number of LRCA organization committees

Members may qualify for special educational scholarships and other such awards.

Membership is for the organization’s fiscal term beginning October 1st and ending, September 30. Membership plan fees are not prorated based on actual join date.





This membership is for households within the stated boundries of the LRCA with two or more members.

Access to the LRCA’s secure online membership portal

Household members will gain TWO votes in LRCA elections

Ability to participate in any number of LRCA organization committees

Members may qualify for special educational scholarships and other such awards.

Membership is for the organization’s fiscal term beginning October 1st and ending, September 30. Membership plan fees are not prorated based on actual join date.





This membership is for any active business, religious entity, non-profit organization or other such organization located within the boundaries of the LRCA.

Access to the LRCA’s secure online membership portal

Corporate members will gain ONE vote in LRCA elections

Ability to participate in any number of LRCA organization committees

Members may qualify for special educational scholarships and other such awards

Membership is for the organization’s fiscal term beginning October 1st and ending, September 30. Membership plan fees are not prorated based on actual join date.

Pay By Check

Prefer to pay your membership donation by check?

Make all checks payable to Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association making sure to note the membership that you choose to join (i.e.—Individual, Household, or Corporate) in the Memo line of the check.

Send check payments by mail to:

Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association
6200 N Capitol St NW
Box 60272
Washington, DC 20039-7548

Support the LRCA with a Monetary Donation

Interested in supporting the mission of the LRCA, but live beyond the LRCA’s defined boundaries? Or, do you wish to donate funds above your standard membership dues amount? You may send your donation to us electronically by clicking on the button below. We thank you for your support!