FOR SENIORS: Reverse Mortgage Virtual Seminar
Join us for a FREE virtual workshop! The Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association (LRCA) together with the DC Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking (DISB) invite you to a free workshop on reverse mortgages. Come learn about these home loans, whether they may make sense for you, and alternatives and pitfalls. June 15, 2021 at 11 AM EST. The presenters will be offering the workshop virtually.
You can participate in two ways:
Watch online from home:
Access the meeting here:
Meeting ID: 857 5477 8030
Passcode: 285441
Dial by Phone: 301-715-8592
Registration requested, but not required
If you need internet access or technology assistance:
Come at 10:30 AM to Culture Coffee Too (300 Riggs Rd NE) with your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. LRCA will have volunteers available to help you connect to Wi-Fi and log into the Zoom workshop.
Registration is required (limited space avail.)
Please register by June 10th by calling:
• Rev. Johnnie Mays (202-210-2941)
• Rodney Foxworth (202-997-1875)